What do I do if I have a query about my medication?
If you have questions about how to get your medication, or if there's a problem picking it up, call our Pharmacy Team on 01273 523 623 option 2. This is available from 10:00-17:00. This may be subject to change if there is any staff sickness, in which case, please stay on the line and wait to speak to a member of the reception team.
When you call us, we can tell you what you can do. But remember, we can't take prescription requests over the phone.
If you're having side effects from your medication, call us as soon as you can, or visit a Pharmacy for advice. If you have serious side effects like severe pain or symptoms of anaphylaxis, please call 999. You can check the link for more on anaphylaxis symptoms.
If you want to change your medication, you'll need to see a GP or maybe a member of the Nursing Team. Look at our appointments page to see how to book. Or you can call or come to the surgery and talk to a Receptionist. If it's urgent, try to contact us as close to 8 am as possible to get on our emergency list for the day.
Repeat Medication
Repeat Prescriptions
If you're on long-term medication, you can order more in a few ways:
- Online: Use your Online Services to request it, or our new Online Request Tool via SystmConnect
- Using the NHS App.
- In person: Pick up a prescription slip from reception. You can drop it off in the letterbox or prescription box on the ground floor.
We can't take prescription requests over the phone or by email. And we don't fax prescriptions to pharmacies.
It usually takes 5-7 working days for prescriptions to be ready. Remember, weekends and bank holidays might make it take a bit longer.
Do you get regular medicines?
If you or someone you look after takes the same medicines regularly, you might benefit from the NHS electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) service. With this, you won't have to keep asking for your repeat prescriptions from your GP every time you need more medicine.
Here's how it works:
Talk to us and see if you can use eRD. Once we confirm and you agree, your prescriber will authorize a number of eRD prescriptions. These will be given to you by your pharmacy at regular times.
Get your first eRD prescription from your pharmacy when it's due. You can choose any pharmacy that's convenient for you.
Next time you need more medicine, go straight to your pharmacy. If you need anything extra that's not your regular medicine, you'll need to order that separately, like seasonal medication.
When your pharmacy gives you your prescription, they'll tell you to contact your GP practice to review your medication. If it's okay, they'll issue another eRD prescription.
If you want to know more or are interested in using the eRD service, please get in touch with us soon, and we'll be happy to help.
Our practice is working with NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) to provide NHS numbers for patients who might be suitable for electronic repeat dispensing prescriptions. We get this info from NHS prescriptions sent to the NHSBSA. A member of our team will contact these patients soon to explain the benefits of this service.

Max Issue
If you're taking medication regularly, your prescription will have a set number of collections before the GP needs to review it. This helps make sure all medications from the surgery are managed properly and that you're on the right medication.
You might need to speak to a GP for your next batch, or the GP might be able to issue it for you to collect as usual. It depends on the type of medication you're on. We'll get in touch with you if you need to speak to a GP about your prescription.
Please note that needing to review your meds before sending them to the pharmacy can delay when you can collect your prescription next. You can find out how many more collections you have by talking to the Reception Team here at the surgery or your pharmacy.
Medications we don't prescribe
We're careful about prescribing certain medications at Park Crescent because they can be addictive and cause negative side affects. This is based on the best evidence for prescribing.
Some medications won't be prescribed at our practice. If you're already on these medications when you join us, we'll arrange an appointment to talk about it and help you gradually stop taking them.
Here are the types of drugs we won't prescribe:
- Benzodiazepines like diazepam.
- Sleeping tablets like zopiclone.
- Opiate-based painkillers for non-cancer pain if you've been using them for more than 12 weeks, like zomorph or zapain.
If you're not sure if your medication falls into any of these categories, ask the reception team. They'll pass your question to the pharmacy team or a clinician.
To make sure we're giving you the right medication, we do a medication review for all new patients.
When to speak to a Pharmacist
Pharmacists can give advice on your medicines. This includes how to use your medicine, worries about side effects or any other questions you have. Each pharmacy will offer different services depending on the needs of its population and what is comissioned locally.
If you have old or extra medicine, don't throw it in the bin or toilet. Take it to the pharmacy, and they will get rid of it safely.
Sometimes, you can get medicine from the pharmacist without going to the doctor. A new programme called Pharmacy First means the pharmacist can help with:
- earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
- impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
- infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
- shingles (aged 18 years and over)
- sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
- sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
- urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)
If you have one of these, the pharmacist will give you advice, medicine, or tell you if you need to see a doctor. They will then inform your GP.
You can see a pharmacist if you have a cough, tummy trouble, rashes and aches and pains.
Pharmacies also offer a vaccination services including flu jabs, anti-malarial and travel vaccinations.
Needle exchanges are available at selected pharmacies.
NHS Community Pharmacies can also help support you to quit smoking
Some pharmacies are able to dispense the emergency contraceptive pill for free to anyone under 25, but you must have a consultation with a trained pharmacist to access this service. For anyone above 25 there will be a charge.
Pharmacists can also offer medication for erectile dysfunction.
When to speak to a GP or other healthcare professional
Pharmacists are not able to prescribe any controlled medications. This includes medicines such as benzodiazepenes and opiate based medications, for example, dihydrocodeine.
If you have been experiencing frequent symptoms or you have a long term condition, speak to your GP.
If you have a sprain, burn, or fracture visit an Urgent Treatment Centre or A&E
If you are experiencing serious or life threatening emergency attend A&E or call 999
If you are unsure where to go or what to do call 111
Prescription Fees
Help with NHS costs
In England, about 90% of prescription items are given without a charge. This includes exemptions for people on low incomes, like those on specific benefits, through the NHS Low Income Scheme, or those who are age exempt, as well as people with certain medical conditions. You can find out more on NHS Website
If you qualify for an exemption certificate, please visit the surgery to fill out an exemption form. The GP will sign and send it to the NHS Business Services Authority, who will then send you your exemption card by post.
NHS Charges
These charges only apply in England. In Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, prescriptions are free.
Prescription cost per item: £9.65
12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £111.60
3-month PPC: £31.25
If you have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months or more than 14 items in 12 months, you might save money by getting a PPC.
For advice and ordering: Telephone: 0845 850 0030
You can find more information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website.
Prescriptions for The Contraceptive Pill
You can only get the combined contraceptive pill from Park Crescent Health Centre after consulting with one of our nursing team. This is because the pill isn't right for everyone, and we need to check every 6 months if it's still the safest option for you. We also need to monitor your blood pressure, as it can sometimes rise while you're on the pill.
Electronic Prescribing Service
We use the electronic prescribing service at this practice
For most patients, we can send your prescription directly to your chosen pharmacy. This saves you from coming to the surgery to collect the paper copy and then taking it to the pharmacy.
To have your prescription sent to your chosen pharmacy, you'll need to fill out our registration form and let us know which pharmacy you prefer.
Clinical Pharmacist
Clinical Pharmacists are skilled professionals who train for many years to become experts in medicines. They're part of the general practice team and can work closely with you to make sure your medicines help you feel better and stay healthy. Having a clinical pharmacist in the team means you're getting treated by the right professional for your needs. All pharmacists are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council.
Kamsons Pharmacy Lewes Road
Park Crescent Health Centre is located next door to Kamsons Pharmacy. For a list of the services they offer click here